You nervously say that you can't go because you promised one of your coworkers to help out with something. Jace looks a little annoyed but lets you off the hook. That friday he comes by and throws some folders on your desk. "If you're working anyway, you might as well help me out with these, it needs to be finished by tonight" his tone is sharp and you almost feel a little scared. After Jace came to you with work, one by one some other coworkers come to ask you to do some work for them too. Apparently Jace has told around you're looking for some extra stuff to do to get some more experience. At the end of the workday there's a big pile of work on your desk. You soon realise that even just Jace's work will take you until midnight. If you want to finish everything, you'll have to take stuff with you during the weekend and basically give up on sleep. The only person you're actually a little scared of is Jace. You could probably tell the others you just didn't get to it. So now you have a choice, you either just do Jace's work or you do everything but will have no free time.