You walk out angry

Woman in coffeeshop

You leave, but when you get home your landlord is standing in front of your house, waiting for you. You have been trying to avoid him because you haven't been able to pay the rent for a couple months now since you've been fired from ABC. You consider running away but maybe you can make a deal with him. Your landlord is a rich man in his 50s who has more than 100 houses he rents out. You seem to be one of the only people who's affairs he handles himself. He looks at you almost pitifull but with a certain gleam in his eyes you can't completely place.

"I understand you're in a bad situation but you need to pay rent, otherwise I will have to kick you out, that's just the law. ... It so happens that I'm actually in need of a cleaninglady at my house. Maybe we can make some kind of deal?"

Accept the proposal

Get kicked out